What are employers looking for when recruiting for the finance sector?

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To best answer this commonly asked question, we have decided to reach out to an industry expert. So, we teamed up with Chris Bristow, a business debt expert at Real Business Rescue, company rescue, restructuring and liquidation specialists with a wealth of experience in supporting company directors in financial difficulty, to share his thoughts on what employers are really looking for when recruiting new candidates.

Here’s what he said…

The finance sector offers lucrative and diverse career opportunities, as well as flexibility in terms of how and where you work. It’s a competitive environment in which to chase jobs but there are certain characteristics and skills that employers are looking for.

It goes without saying that professional qualifications are crucial in landing that dream job in finance but what else would convince an employer that you’re the right person for the role being advertised?

It’s important to be prepared when applying for jobs in finance and to be fully aware of what’s happening in the sector so you can shine in an interview and stand out amongst your competitors.
So what exactly are finance employers looking for when recruiting new talent?

What will make you stand out during the recruitment process?

Showing integrity

Some people may be tempted to embellish the details on their CV or perhaps overstate their previous interests and accomplishments. Being open and honest in your application demonstrates integrity, which is a non-negotiable requirement and a crucial trait for securing any finance role.

Your integrity also becomes the company’s integrity once you work for them so employers need to know that the figures aren’t going to be manipulated or exaggerated to portray a healthier but contrived picture of the business.

Being able to analyse a situation

Analytical skills are highly valued in the finance sector and are crucial in some roles. Accurate analysis of a business’s operations or the market an employer is operating in means it can plan for growth with more certainty.

Professional finance qualifications and training offer you the analytical skills you need as a job candidate looking to enter the finance sector, or even to move between roles further down the line.

Technological know-how

New technologies are playing a huge part in the finance sector, with cloud technology and artificial intelligence (AI) transforming how a company’s finances are recorded and presented.
This means technological expertise could help you impress on paper and in interviews, and improve your chances of landing that job as it’s hugely beneficial to employers in the finance industry.

Good communication skills

Finance departments need people with excellent communication skills, especially as it can be a complex area of business. In fact, oral and written forms of communication deliver information a company might rely upon to succeed.

Being able to clearly convey a financial concept, problem, or external issue that might pose a threat to an employer’s organisation to those without a financial background is a valuable skill that’s highly sought after.

An inquiring mind

Candidates who take the time to learn about their potential employer and ask pertinent questions about the business during an interview show inquisitiveness and interest, potentially beyond that of other candidates.

Learning about how the finance function fits into the ‘bigger picture’ of your employer’s organisation helps you in your role and offers you a broader understanding of how you can help it succeed.

Finance employers are looking for a mixture of hard and soft skills

Employers in the finance sector are looking for demonstrable evidence of numerical and analytical know-how when recruiting and this evidence is generally provided by your professional qualifications.

They’re also searching for a package of hard and soft skills, however. The complex nature of a typical professional finance role requires awareness of your market and a natural curiosity that rewards you with a deeper understanding of the organisation’s needs. Demonstrating ambition, both for yourself and for the company, will also convey a commitment that other candidates might not possess.

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