Tips on keeping stress levels low this results day

Students working around table at home


We know that waiting for results can be daunting. Whether you think you’ve done great, or not as well as you had hoped for, it can be a stressful time for anyone.

But not to worry, we’ve compiled a list of tips and techniques to help you keep your stress levels low this results day. And remember, it’s not the end of the world if you didn’t get what you expected!

Stay active

Keeping active can reduce your stress levels while also taking your mind off things. Get out of the house and go for a walk or run, or take a trip to the gym for an hour or so and it’ll make you feel a whole lot better.

Exercising won’t necessarily make your stress disappear, but it will boost your endorphins which should improve your overall sense of wellbeing.

Drink plenty of water

Similar to the exercise tip above, drinking water is great for your body. However, research also shows that drinking sufficient water can help to reduce the negative psychological and physiological impacts of stress.* So, ensuring you get your water intake can help a lot more than you think.

Practice breathing exercises

If you feel like you’re becoming anxious or agitated, try to practice breathing techniques that can help to calm your body down. There are many breathing exercises that you can try out online, but remember to focus on the present moment and feel the air as you calm your body down.

Reach out to your friends and family

If you’re struggling or worrying, remember to reach out to those around you and talk about how you’re feeling. Ask for support when needed and try to feel open to talk about your concerns. A problem shared is a problem halved!

Write down your thoughts

Whether you choose to reach out for support or not, writing your emotions down can significantly help. Writing your feelings down can allow you to process them in a controlled environment, and help it feel a lot less intimidating.

Assess your options

It’s important to remember that results aren’t everything. There are always other options available to you if you don’t receive what you had hoped for.

Take the time to assess all career options and paths that will get to where you want to be. If you’re receiving your A-Level results, you’ve still got plenty of time left to decide what you want to do! At Eagle, we believe that you can change your career at any age, so don’t worry and remember you have your whole life ahead of you to make those decisions.

Write a list of potential careers that you’d like to consider, and assess your options on how to get into that career. To work in the accounting, tax and finance industry, you have options such as the AAT qualification where no prior experience is needed. So, you’ll be able to study to meet your career aspirations.

Find out more about the AAT qualification by subscribing to a 7 day free trial.

* Solara Mental Health